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3/16일 (토) 전교인 대상 선교교실이 있습니다

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile 강성숙 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글 0건 조회 580회 작성일 13-03-06 21:22


3/16일 (토) 전교인 대상 선교교실이 있습니다

강사: Tong Liu 목사 (River of Life Christian church 담임목사). (오전 9시-12시, Pathway 채플)

선교 교실에 참석한 분들은 점심식사를 제공합니다.

Tong Liu 목사: 북가구 최대의 중국인 교회인 River of Life Christian church를 1995년에 개척하여 담임 목회중.

17년간 출석인원이 2700명으로 늘었고, 17개국에서 105개의 지교회 설립.

Worship and Praise, Holy Spirit Renewal, Cell church, and Global Impact 사역에 집중.

Mission Seminar 3/16 (Sat.) 9 am-12 noon Pathway chapel (lunch provided after the seminar)

Speaker: Tong Liu (senior pastor of River of Life Christian church)

Topic: The Principle of Faith of Expanding God's Kingdom

It will cover the urgency of taking action for the global mission and how the local church can meet the challenge.

Specially in cross-culture mission, how local church can involve in cross culture mission through cooperation

with mission organization and church planting. The speaker will share his experience of how the local church can

make a difference in the nations. plus,

- Various church planting models that local church can be involved with : effectiveness, pros & cons

- Being in Bay area local church surrounded by many unreached people groups,

how local church can reach out to them in neighborhood to engage and ultimately involve in church planting movement.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 285건 8 페이지
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