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2023 뉴비전 여름성경학교: 2023 NVC VBS

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작성자 no_profile Sooyeon 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글 0건 조회 1,768회 작성일 23-04-20 15:37




       2023 NVC VBS: Twists & Turns  
      등록링크: Registration link:  https://go.nvcng.org/2023VBS

           Registration QR Code: 


Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! You’ll need to bring your A-game for this VBS. Twists & Turns is a fantastical

celebration of games of all kinds. From classic tabletop games to video games and more, kids will play their way through VBS while learning that 
Jesus guides them through all the twists and turns of their lives. They’ll find that even when they mess up it’s never “game over.”

Life is not all fun and games—even after becoming a Christian. It’s full of twists and turns that can leave us feeling like we’ve taken

one step forward and two steps back. That was certainly the case for Peter. He messed up; he stumbled; he wasn’t perfect. 
But even when Peter messed up, it wasn’t “Game Over.” God still worked through Peter to help others learn about Jesus. 
As kids study five of Peter’s encounters with Jesus, they’ll discover that Jesus is holy, trustworthy, forgiving, worth following, and for everyone!

곧 2023 VBS가 시작됩니다! 돌림판을 돌리고, 촌각을 다투며 승리를 향해 달려가는 신나는 게임 속으로 여러분을 초대합니다! 우리의 삶은 게임처럼 각자의 방식대로 경쟁하며 성공을 향해 살아가며 실패와 넘어짐을 경험합니다.
하지만 Twists &Turns! 돌이켜 회복시키는 승리의 예수님안에 있는 우리의 인생은 게임과 다릅니다.
어린이들이 이번 VBS를 통해 예수님의 인도하심을 따라 사는 삶에는 결코 실패가 없음을 배우게 될것입니다.
여름성경학교 기간동안 베드로의 삶을 배우고 또 그것을 통해 우리는 완전하기않고 실수를 하고 자신에게 실망하는 삶일수 있지만, 예수님의 사랑을 통해 우리의
연약하고 약한부분을 성령님께서 함께히시며 용서해 주시고, 회복시키시고,우리와 함께 하시며 제자의 삶을 통해 하나님의 끝없는 사랑을 경험하는
모두가 될수 있습니다

자원봉사 싸인업:
Volunteers sing up lick: https://go.nvcng.org/VBS2023adult  

Date/ Time: June 13(Tue)-16(Fri) / 6:00-8:30 PM
*Dinner will NOT be provided. Please encourage the children to have dinner before attending VBS.
The Kitchen team will prepare snack packages and distribute them at check-out.
  (Dinner will only be provided for the volunteers and their children at 5pm.)

*3.5 yr~5th Grade

Registration: 4/30-5/25 ($20), After 5/25 ($30)
*Volunteer’s Children D/C: $10 OFF per child
Sibling D/C: 2nd) $5 OFF, 3rd) $10 OFF
Unchurched Children: Free

Q: 이수연 어린이 전도사 ( 408-460-2718) sooyi@newvisionchurch.org 
     Or Pastor Jonathan : jonathan@newvisionchurch.org 


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 34건 2 페이지
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