
| 게시판 | 교회안내게시판
코로나19 바이러스 예방을 위한 선제적 대응 안내문

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 | 댓글 0건 | 조회 2,535회 | 작성일 20-03-03 14:52



Due to the recent local outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the church leadership established a proper measure to keep our members safe and to be 

responsible to surrounding communities.  For this reason, the ministry council and pastoral staff developed a strategy plan that is shown below (Table 1). 

As of now, given that we are in stage 3, all church activities are to be limited to Sunday Worship (Services 1-4) for the month of March (3/1-3/31). 

We thank you for respecting the decision of putting a temporary hold on all other programs and the usage of our facilities.

List of activities put on hold for the month of March (3/1-3/31)

 ·         Kitchen-kitchen cleanup during this period by paid workers only
·         Adults cell group (MokJang) including Youth and Children Sunday school
·         Gym usage
·         New Vision Bible School including AWANA
·         FNL/Ignite-NextGen Youth
·         Evangelism Explosion Class
·         Women’s Tuesday Worship (HyangSoo). 3/3 gathering is permitted.
·         Thursday KM Young Adult Bridge Worship
·         Intercession prayer meeting
·         Wednesday Evening worship service
·         Weekday / Saturday Early Morning Prayer worship
·         Missionary House Use
·         Pastoral Visitation Ministry. Switch to phone visitation by pastors.
·         Open school
·         Manna ministry
·         Homeless hospitality program
·         Addiction Healing Ministry
·         Grief sharing
·         All informal meetings held in the church on other weekdays.

Table 1 - “New Vision Church Coronavirus (COVID-19) Countermeasures


Action Item

Stage 1


[Confirmed Occurrence in Bay Area & Non-Route Path]

  1. All travelers (and household members) are recommended to self-quarantine (2 weeks) if recently visited the following countries: China, Japan, Korea, Italy
  2. Greet with bows instead of exchanging handshakes. Hands and face are to be frequently washed with soap. 
  3. Those who have colds, fever & cough are to self-quarantine at home until completely cured
  4. Those who self-quarantine will worship via NVC online stream

Stage 2


[Confirmed Case in Bay Area & In-Route Path. Possible exposure by being in the same area where the infected person was present]

  1. Self-quarantine at home for two weeks if one is showing similar symptoms 
  2. Church facility and equipment are to be cleaned with virus disinfect tissue (Clorox Wipes)
  3. At the beginning of all small group meetings in the church, all participants must wash their hands with soap and sterilize the local area using Clorox Wipes

Stage 3


[Multiple confirmed cases in the Bay Area, Early stage of community-acquired infection]

  1. All meetings, training, and other ministry gatherings are put on hold other than Sunday worship
  2. Wearing a mask for Sunday worship is recommended
  3. Church Meals are not served

Stage 4


[Confirmed case within the church, wide-spread Community-acquired infection in the Bay Area]

  1. Entering church premises is prohibited 
  2. Sunday Worship will be online via NVC online stream
  3. The congregation should check with the church’s announcements through church website or emails
  • The church will raise or lower the level based on the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Santa Clara County Department of Health.
  • Countermeasures at each stage can be applied flexibly according to the change of situation. 


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 123건 1 페이지
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